Thursday, January 14, 2021

How to lose weight and keep it off for good!

So, you desire to lose weight ? Or perhaps you simply dream to have a flat tummy? 

Good thing is, if you desire to reduce tummy fat without hitting the gym, here're are 5 highly effective ways to can achieve that!

Reduce your calorie intake

Sometimes, we don’t even realize the damage we are doing to our body with the excess intake of calories. 

This mindless eating is the main reason for adding fat to your tummy. Therefore, be mindful of what you eat, cut down on all unwanted junks. 

Sodas contribute to the unnecessary pounds you add to the fat around your waist and can also lead to bloating.

Consume foods that are low in calories such as fruits and vegitables. 

These foods contain more vitamins, water, and minerals, so they are good for weight loss.

Sleep regularly

Sleep cannot be underscored. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day will make you productive during the day and help maintain good skin and a healthy weight. 

Do not sleep with your earphones or other gadgets, this defeats the entire purpose of going to bed early. 

Studies have shown that the less you’re exposed to electronic gadgets, the better your mind and body will be at rest. 

Also, avoid oversleeping as this may lead to a bulging tummy - balance is the key!

Drink Green Tea

Keep yourself well-hydrated if weightloss is your ultimate goal. Keeping hydrated by drinking water and herbal tea is way more beneficial to your overall health and weight loss than the consumption of sodas and alcohol. 

Green tea contains catechins, a compound effective in increasing fat metabolism in the body and very effective in reducing body fat, therefore add it to your daily diet. 

Consumption of green tea makes it easier to shed fat from around the waist.

Drink enough water

Drinking enough water will not only hydrate and remove unnecessary toxins from your body, but will also help you lose some unwanted weight especially the stubborn fat around your waist. 

By drinking enough water, you’ll reassure your body to get rid of water retention. So, if you really want that ‘flat tummy’ take into cognisance the importance of drinking water.

Reduce the level of salt you take

One of the reasons for a bloated tummy is excessive salt intake. 

Salt retention just like water retention, can cause serious problems on the body. 

Take note of your salt intake daily. 

Reducing the level of your salt intake will help your body release water it has been retaining to help dilute high salt levels in your body. 

Thus, if you do need to use salt, try to make it natural sea salt, the natural sea salt is lower in sodium than the table salt. 

Even though, drinking enough water flushes toxins out of the body, checking your salt intake also makes sure that water retention isn’t happening.

Avoid Junk And Fatty Foods

You need to burn more calories in order to lose tummy fat without exercising. In order to lose 500 calories per day, you need to burn one pound of tummy fat. 

Avoid eating junk and fatty foods. Instead, go for foods that are high fiber and can take longer to digest. This will keep you full and will keep your metabolism in good shape.

Avoid alcohol and smoking

Nicotine and alcoholic properties promote weight gain. The term ‘beer belly’ didn’t come into existence out of anywhere! 

So your health should be your priority over everything else and stick with the intention of getting a flat tummy.

These are just a few tips should you desire to learn how to lose weight and keep it off or lose weight without exercise

how to lose abdominal fat

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