Sunday, April 4, 2021

Pest Control Tips For Spring

The start of spring means rejuvenation and renewal can begin. Flowers will soon bloom, birds will start to sing, while animals will begin to venture out. Spring can be very enjoyable, however, it could also lead to a lot of unwanted pest issues. As we start to prepare for the spring and summer seasons, it’s crucial to keep pests at bay. Now that nature is coming back to life, it’s the perfect time to begin considering some spring pest control tips.

Spring Pest Control Tips

Common pests that are reinvigorated during the spring season are the ants, bees, rodents, and mosquitoes. Don’t let them invade your home using these simple pest control Myrtle Beach tips.

Preventive Pest Control With A Pest Control Company

From disgust and damage to diseases and sickness, pests could be disastrous for many reasons. Even if your home doesn’t have a pest problem yet, it’s best to invest in preventive pest control because it’s cheaper than trying to get rid of an infestation. Hire a reliable company such as Zap Pest Control Inc.

Store Food, Dispose Waste Properly

Animals need shelter, water, and food in order to survive. Pet food, standing water, garbage, and gardens can attract pests. If you remove all the possible water and food sources, your risk of suffering from pest problems falls significantly.

You just have to make sure that you follow the right processes when it comes to food storage and cleaning. You should keep the trash cans covered tightly and store the pet food in sealed containers.

Control Moisture

A leaking pipe or a pool of water can offer enough water to attract pests. There are many pests that love high humidity areas for egg production. Make sure to fix any leaky pipe as soon as you can. Your home must be at optimal humidity and temperature. Don’t forget to get rid of standing water and trim grass regularly. The downspouts and gutters must be clear and clean and get tires and other moist collectors.

Check The Perimeter and Seal The Entryways

Openings in your house offer the perfect entryway for pests. Check your property for possible entrance for unwanted pests. Go around your home’s perimeter and focus on areas where utilities such as HVAC, electrical, and plumbing enter. If there are any gaps or cracks, you can use a weatherproof caulk to cover them. For larger holes and gaps, you can use an expandable foam sealant. If you see any indication of pest presence such as rotted wood and mud tubes, you should contact a pest control expert right away.


Spring is the best time to clean the house. Aside from taking care of food spills and storing food properly, make sure you spend time to perform spring cleaning and inspection.

Call A Licensed Pest Control Expert

Pests never travel alone. If you see one, you’ll find others lurking nearby. So, even if you only see one this spring, make sure you call a pest control expert right away before it becomes a full blown pest invasion.

Call Zap Pest Control Inc. now and let us help you protect your home from pests.

Zap Pest Control Inc.
2507 Forestbrook Rd Suite G
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588


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