Sunday, May 2, 2021

wrath of man watch online free

wrath of man watch online free

wrath of man starring jason statham directed by guy richie's now out in theaters and this is the story about a man who watches his son get brutally murdered in front of him during a robbery and is now out for revenge i'm going to tell you guys exactly what i felt about this film because i'm a sucker for j statham films i'm sure there's a lot of people out there that are like that as well but if you have seen it and if you want to see it let me know in the comments below what do you guys think of this film did you love it did you hate it i will be no spoilers in this film

wrath of man watch online free

i will not spoil the film i promise you that and we're going to jump into this review of wrath of man rather man look i am a sucker for jason statham films the transporter home front what else is in the expendables i mean everything that jay statham is in i absolutely love like you got the crank ones you got many great films that he's in i like guy ritchie i really loved his movie the gentleman last year i really really thoroughly enjoyed that film a whole lot and i was looking forward you got guy richie's jason statham then i found out scott eastwood is in it as well and i love scott eastwood i think he's fantastic boom you got a chocolate cake recipe right there but did they deliver the chocolate cake did i get that delicious chocolate cake especially the woolworths chocolate cake brilliant did it land did it all come together to create this masterpiece

i'm going to tell you now it's not the perfect film i have issues and problems with the film it's not going to be a perfect film but i did enjoy this film quite a lot i had a ball with it i loved it absolutely brilliant now i think one of the biggest things that i really enjoyed about this film was the way that guy richie told this story i was impressed and it was refreshing and it was great non-linear storytelling what he did is he shows you the now and we watch as they go through and then he cuts and he goes and shows us statham's original origin story how he got to that point then he switches over to our antagonist who we follow their journey as well to meet into the one point to when you get the final act

wrath of man watch movie

and i thought that he's great storytelling it worked perfectly for this film why did it work perfectly is because it asked the questions what i mean by that is i'm sitting there and i'm watching and when they're showing statham's character in that you're asking questions what is like they're all asking questions as well as who is this guy what is his background why is he why is he this good why is he that and you start saying that as well you start getting theories in your head you start going off he must be yet you know special agent must be in the special force it must be military background what is he and that was really really good i really enjoyed that aspect it also gave us a bit of backstory to our antagonists our villains who we are following as well and really gave me a bit more understanding

and motive to why they are doing certain things and why certain things happened in those situations as well which i thought was really really good and i enjoyed that much but the downside to this i think was we didn't get enough time spent on developing statham's character i think that is a weak point in his film he doesn't have too much character to him i don't understand look i get why he did why like he why he wants revenge i get why he wants that but i couldn't connect with him as a character and i just lack that emotional attachment that i really really like to have to my characters i want to root for this guy and i want to be there and connecting with him and going through the emotions with him but this film doesn't deliver that it doesn't really get that and that's a problem for me and having him as your main focus as well it just yeah it just lacked that element i think there was a missed opportunity where you could have spent some time really developing his character that i could really connect with him

but they missed that opportunity however when you go over to the other side the villains they i really understand their motive and why they're doing and how why they feel hard done by their backgrounds and stuff like that and i really enjoyed that that their side of it was brilliant i enjoyed that but i think statham's character really lacked however scott eastwood's performance in this film is incredible i enjoyed whenever he was on screen i enjoyed every moment of it he was the star for me with his performance i really enjoyed him he really played his character this unstable character really really well and i really felt like he was unstable the whole entire time like you don't want to tick this guy off because you just don't know what he's gonna do and i like his character arc that he went through as well with i don't know i can't i don't want to spoil it but he goes through a character arc as well that i understand and i could see why his character was going down these certain paths and doing what he was doing and i thought that was great as well the action in the film is great i enjoyed the gun fights enjoyed all of that aspect i thought that was well well done the other characters i thought were built up pretty well pretty decently there's a big twist in this film as well i didn't expect it i did not expect that even though i could now see why how you could easily predict it i didn't and there was one line in there that really threw me off and i was like

  but then i was kind of like ah okay it's that but i've that's the whole non-linear linney linear story storytelling i can't speak tonight but yeah i really really enjoyed that twist i didn't expect it but again there is a pacing issue in this film as well i have to say there is certain parts that really slow down and it is a bit bland and boring and i think you could really cut that down to sort of like a make a montage of those certain things that would actually make it a bit more tighter and push the story a bit quicker and that pacing issue might go away or it'd be less but there is bits where it's slow where you could cut that out and maybe give it to statham's character

and we could get more development that would be pretty cool but i think they did a great what's called they did a really really good idea with statham's character though there is one thing about his character that i like it's not a generic statham character what i mean by that is when you find out who statham is and what he actually is it's a nice pleasant surprise it's something different because i'm used to stating being this military guy this special agent guy this like awesome hand-hand combat guy but this one guy richie does it very differently and i enjoyed that i enjoyed having something different about statham and why he is what he is and i thought that was good but he's character that is a bit emotional emotional emotionless gosh i cannot speak emotionless he is emotionless and i think that's why we can't really connect with him there is pros and cons to this film but overall i enjoyed it i thought the action was great it was entertaining but there is some issues with some characters there is some issue with some pacing but overall i enjoyed it it was a great experience

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