Thursday, July 8, 2021

14 Foods that Burn Fat: 3 That Will Shock You

It is no secret fat burns fat. We have known this for years and it has been a reliable weight loss strategy for decades. But did you know that some fat burning foods are more effective than others? In this blog post, I will share with you 14 fat burning foods and 3 surprises that might shock you!

14 fat burning foods:

- Raw Salmon: Unlike most fish, raw salmon is high in fat. This fat contains Omega-fatty acids which are essential for healthy brain function and weight control. Studies have shown that increasing your intake of these fatty acids has resulted in lower BMI's (body mass index).

- Coconut Oil: Coconut oil contains medium-chain fats. This fat is metabolized differently than other fat and doesn't contribute to cholesterol levels, unlike most saturated fat sources. Studies have shown that these fatty acids promote weight loss by increasing metabolism rather than storing fat as a result of the consumption of coconut oil.

- Almonds: Nuts are always healthy, but almonds are special. These fat burning foods contain a high percentage of fat, but it is the healthy fat and not saturated fat like in other nuts such as cashews. Almonds also have decreased levels of Omega-fatty acids which can be harmful to your health if consumed excessively.

- Whey Protein Powder: Whey is a type of cheese and it contains very little fat or cholesterol at all. It also has an excellent amino acid profile which makes it a great choice for muscle recovery after workouts as well as promoting fat loss in adults who exercise on a regular basis!

- Garlic: Not only does garlic taste delicious but studies show consuming this fat burner lowers blood pressure by reducing stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and- Fish Oil Supplements: Taking fish oil supplements can promote fat loss. Studies have shown that the fat burning effects of these supplements are due to the high levels of omega-fatty acids they contain, not just because you've increased your protein intake like many people believe.

- Pineapple: This fruit is an excellent fat burning food because it is high in natural bromelain, which has been shown to reduce fat cells. Pineapple also contains a good amount of fiber and Vitamin C.

- Grapefruit: This fruit helps burn fat by increasing the consumption of fat metabolism enzymes. It's best consumed half an hour before breakfast or lunch for best fat burning results.

- Kohlrabi: If you're looking for fat burning foods that are more obscure, then try kohlrabi! This veggie contains a high percentage of fat and is low in calories. It's also an excellent source of Vitamin C which can promote healthy skin care while it helps burn fat cells too!

- Tofu: This fat burning food is great for your health because it contains high levels of protein and iron. It's also a good source of calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, selenium as well as Omega-fatty acids.

- Oatmeal: High in fiber with low calories that are slowly released into the body to promote fat loss while providing sustained energy; oatmeal provides individuals looking for fat burners an excellent breakfast choice!

- Eggs: These fat burning foods are a great source of protein and Omega-fatty acids. They also contain vitamins such as omega-three fatty acids, choline, lutein, zeaxanthin which promote fat loss when consumed on a regular basis!

Surprise fat burners:

-Coffee: It's not just for the caffeine - coffee contains chlorogenic acid which is shown to suppress appetite while increasing fat metabolism in your body by up to 30%. Combine this with an increased consumption of good fats from coconut oil or almonds and you have yourself some powerful fat burners!

-Green Tea (with no milk): Another healthy option that actually has weight reducing properties due to its high concentration of fat burning catechins. Studies have shown that fat cells are more sensitive to the fat burning effects of green tea when combined with a regular exercise routine!

-Water: It's not just for hydration - studies show increased water intake can lead to weight loss in adults by suppressing appetite and reducing fat storage as well as speeding up metabolism!

Bonus And the fat burning are my three favorites:

*Beef Jerky: Yes, you read that right. There is actually fat in beef and it contains more benefits than other types of meat when consumed! Studies have shown that these fatty acids can increase fat oxidation by up to 60% which means less fat will circulate through your body.

*Pistachios: This mild nut has a high percentage of fat but most importantly this fat is saturated rather than unsaturated like many nuts such as cashews. Due to their healthy fats pistachios can be eaten without worry for those who experience heart health problems or cholesterol issues related to consuming too much saturated fat from other sources such as meats--especially red meats!

*Chocolate: Yes, that's right fat is in chocolate too! This fat content is a result of the cocoa and milk. It has been shown that when compared to other desserts such as pastries or cakes, dark chocolates have less sugar which makes it an excellent fat burning food because not only does fat burn fat but so do lower levels of sugar.

Conclusion: This blog post has provided you 14 ways to help burn fat, including three surprises that you might not know about such as coffee and green tea. With this information at your fingertips, there is no reason why you can't achieve your goals of having a healthier lifestyle while getting closer to achieving your ideal body type sooner than expected without sacrificing what's best for your health or wallet!

fat burning

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