Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Are you looking for the Lovers' Tarot card?

Your initial reaction will likely be to interpret this card as representing love, but, much as love is not the only thing that it represents, it doesn't have a straightforward nature. It is not just that love comes in various forms, but Lovers may indicate important or difficult choices ahead in your daily life. This is bad in that the choices it suggests are usually mutually exclusive paths to two very different futures, but also good, in that it also confirms that at the very least one of those paths will lead you to a better position. So, if you spot this in the spreads, be aware of it and do not be afraid. It tells a story of difficult choices, likely difficult, but the best decision and positive outcome is within your grasp. The Lovers card shows a naked man and woman sitting across from one another. The woman appears under an apple tree with a snake, evoking the Garden of Eden. The man stands before a tree with twelve trefoil fires, which symbolize the twelve zodiac signs and the passion and fire that determines his destiny. Above the figures is the angel of air, Raphael, who looks at the two as the pair are blessed by him. The element of air is closely associated with communication, and is an essential element in healthy relationships. In the background , we can see mountains -- the symbol of phallics -- as well as a river, which is a symbol of femininity. The Lovers card depicts the union of two opposing forces, as well as the momentary bliss of just a few seconds before it's corrupted. If you are drawn to this card it is a sign that you are at a crucial crossroads; the choices you're about to take will alter the course of your existence. The Lover can also signify that you're someone who makes decisions with a heart. This card symbolizes a passionate and sensual person who is easily influenced by impulsive choices and is easily enticed by the lure. The Lovers represent harmony, love and perfection in relationships. Your partner and you are soulmates. Your relationship is based on deep love and faith, which gives you the power to face challenges together and help each other. The Lovers could also indicate that a relationship with a sexual partner will develop into something more, as there is a foundation of attraction. The attraction can grow into true intimacy, as long as you are aware of the importance of communicating openly. A crucial career decision usually occurs on the Lovers card. Because it is one of the Major Arcana, your choice must not be taken lightly, as it will have far reaching consequences. Make sure you follow your heart and passion. This will bring you satisfaction and success in the long run. Many times, the right option is the one that at first seems to be more difficult. The Lovers can be an indication that the business partnership is a fruitful one, and also that both of you are in it for the long run. The Lovers are a symbol of attraction -- not only between people, but also between you and your money. If you have been short on cash recently, help is on its way, but only if you ask for help and communicate your issues to somebody else. This is also the perfect moment to consider taking an investment risk, such as creating your own company, seeking a loan, or returning to school.

the lovers tarot card

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