Friday, November 18, 2022

Rogues' Memories - Adventures with Rex Wotton

Memories of Barbados Adventures. Rex Wotton was among the most   unforgettable Rogues in Paradise. His sense of fun and sharp wit surrounded every circumstance. 

For example: Once when a person tossed a drink at him, he promptly disposed of the components of a white wine bucket over their head. At another time when ridiculed by a comedian that made a cheeky remark about him, he returned the disrespect by stealing away the comics' famous environment-friendly bowler hat. Straight past security as well as the concierge, he strolled with a bold air and his beguiling grinning chuckle.

He was a high-energy figure at 5 feet 8 inches, well built, with untidy, light-brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Not one for formal exercises; he did not run, jog, push weights, or do any prescribed . Strenuous, active play, and running the West Coast water was his exercise.

He would never let much get past him and constantly returned insults with a dual dose of the very same, however, wrapped with style.

Learn more Rogues Adventures with Rex, a fearless independent, and intrepid adventurer. Check out his fun exploits here.

Barbados people

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